Bailey Barker was born on May 14th at 9:53 am weighing in at 7 lbs. 15.4 oz 20 1/2 inches long. I had a pretty rough go at it so I thought I would post how everything went down so I could remember it.
On Thursday May 12th, I called the doctor to tell him I was having headaches (they were worried about my blood pressure). They said I needed to come in and have my blood pressure checked. Well as the day went on it was one of those days that I was not making it there. Started at work, then had to watch my nephew, then got my hair done. While I was getting my hair done, my nurse called and was going, are you coming in? So at 4:45 I ran down to the doctors office really quick to get there before 5. As I walked in, Dr, Beck was leaving to do another delivery.
Well come to find out my blood pressure was ridiculously high. So the nurse wanted Dr. Beck to look at me and check me out so she sent me down to the hospital to go see him. They checked me into OB Triage, never saw Dr. Beck, saw one of his partners, and I never left.
Thursday night they gave me medicine to start softening my cervix. Then on Friday morning, they started me on Potosin *sp. I was induced. At 6:30pm I asked for my epidural, which was awesome....for at least a couple of hours. It kept wearing off and every time I would push the button for more medicine it would cause my shoulders to spasm really really bad which were worse than the contractions. They alos broke my water at this time. I was moving a long very very very slowly. I started to run a low grade temp in the middle of the night on Friday. Saturday morning around 6 they redid my epidural to see if it was in the wrong place. It worked again for about 2 hours then I was in miserable pain once again.
At this point, Bailey had flipped to posterior (which means she was facing towards my belly ratherthan my back) Dr. Beck tried flipping her and got her to go half way. They then put me back on the peanut ball, which is awful, to try to get her to finish flipping, well her being mine and Tommys, she decided to be stubborn and just flip back to posterior. I went from a 5 to an 8 in 30 minutes so they thought I was going to be having her any minute...then after 2 1/2 more hours no progression.
Dr. Beck could see how much pain I was in and how tired I was for being in labor by this point for over an 24 hours so he said we were going to go c-section. As well as my pelvic area was most likely to small to push her through anyways. So around 9 am they took me to the OR and they had her out at 9:53.
A C-section wasnt quite as bad as I thought it was going to be. It is very interesting to feel them doing everything but not hurting and going this should really be hurting.
Went into recovery and Baileys blood sugars were low so thye hurry and fed her a bottle. Her sugars went back to normal really quickly.
We went into our room and were there about 11:30. We had lots of visitors and it was awesome. Come Sunday, Bailey was starting to look jaundice. The dr. started to get worried. So they put her under the lights in the NICU. This was a little hard on me for a couple of hours and then I realized it wasnt a very big deal. They brought her back to me around 11:30 on Monday morning. Which was a very happyt time.
We stayed at the hospital till Tuesday afternoon when Tommy got of work.
It was a very long stay and we were more than happy to get home.
It was a little bit of traumatic experience but well worth it to have our precious little girl home and with us!
We love her so much and she is absolutely perfect!
Daddy acting like he is sleeping.
Great Grandma Hazel! She loves her babies. She would not let us take her from her. It was so precious!
Lexie is so excited to have her new baby cousin. She has all these great big plans of sleep overs, tea parties, barbies, pollys, babysitting and changing her foofy diapers. It is so precious. All she talks about is her Bailey. It is absolutely adorable!
Tevan holding Bailey. We went to take her from him and all he said was "No, my baby!" It was so precious!
Well thats it for now. Sorry for the long post! Just wanted to have it written down somewhere.
More pictures to come.